With more than 30 years of experience in the educational field, our schools are one of the well-established and well-known schools in Egypt. We have turned our students and staff into one big family. Manarat Al Salem Schools has empowered thousands by providing them with high quality education to bring their academic education to the point of optimum success.

For more informaton please call: +201220772078 – +201552332338 – +20223490722 – +20223490791

Follow us in Fcabook : Manaret Al Salem Schools.

Language School

Manarat Al-Salem schools adopt the curricula prescribed by the Ministry of Education, in addition to special curricula in English, approved by the Ministry of Education, based on the latest theories and methods in the field of learning and education.

Arabic School

Starting from kg to Grade 12. Manarat Al-Salem schools adopt the Egyptian curricula approved by the Ministry of Education, in addition to special curricula based on the latest theories and methods in the field of learning and teaching.

PARTime School

Partial attendance – includes the following services

  • Electronic registration
  • Government records
  • Delivering textbooks and attending all educational and recreational activities within the school.
  • Attending the monthly and final exams is inside the school
  • Certificates verfied by the Ministry of Education
  • Partial attendance of the student, where the student is evaluated to determine the number of days of attendance in proportion to his needs, as well as students with learning difficulties from different governors and countries surrounding Egypt.

سارع بحجز مقعد لابنك  وثبت المصاريف الدراسية بدون اي زيادة حتى المرحلة النهائية  (فقط لطلبة online school )


  • The school provides appropriate services to students enrolled in the online school as follows:
  • Registration in government records.
  • Electronic registration.
  • Textbooks.
  • Conducting monthly tests online and final exam while the student is in school.
  • Certificates verfied by the Ministry of Education.
  • Online channels by providing curricula for all subjects on electronic platforms and social media channels.

Special Needs School

Learning difficulties are challenges that children face in some processes related to learning: such as emotional, thinking, perception, attention, reading, reading, drawing, pronunciation, arithmetic techniques, or in relation to each of the following processes.

Treatment is proportional to the nature of the child’s difficulty is experiencing and the degree of its seriousness, as well as the concerted efforts of the various, parents, teachers, and psychiatrists raising in the child. Manarat Al Salem School follows the appropriate methodology for each individual case in treating learning difficulties.

Highly specialized teachers in all specialties