“education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.

Nelson Mandela

With Knowledge, We Build Houses That Have No Pillars.

We care about all the details of the educational process, taking care of applied and scientific skills and activities.

Manarat Al Salem Private Schools is your best choice

In our schools, we provide a learning and educational learning environment centered on the student and enriching him with life skills and lifelong education from the activities accompanying the curriculum in order for him to become known, responsible, and possess leadership qualities. We also take care of the students’ cultural, moral, and spiritual development. It constantly strives to motivate students, encourage them to excel, excel and be creative, and set the best example for education students.

We are interested in activating the role of society and community participation and assistance.

Educational services and facilities of distinguished quality.

We strive to provide an appropriate educational environment for our students and to provide technical support and communication tools to create a sound educational environment. We recognize that the only guarantee for prosperity is the ability of our students to progress, adapt, and innovate.

Our vision is to empower students to acquire, demonstrate, articulate, and value knowledge and skills that will support them, as life-long learners, to participate in and contribute to the global world and practice the core values of the school: respect, tolerance & inclusion, and excellence.

to enable all learners’ access to learning through the provision of:-

  • Differentiated, in-depth, and cohesive learning programs aligned to year-level content and achievement standards informed by the Egyptian curriculum.
  • Highly effective teachers, focused on improving student outcomes, through their commitment to ongoing professional development, quality teaching, evidence-based practices, coaching, mentoring, and collaboration.
  • A quality inclusive learning environment that is responsive to students’ voices.
  • Enriching, engaging resource.
  • Opportunities for the community and parents to participate in learning and decision-making partnerships.
  • Improve student learning and student performance for ALL students as measured by multiple and varied assessments.
  • Improve student life and school climate through school-based and community-wide programs and experiences that promote communication and engagement.
  • Improve student learning and preparation for the future through technology-enriched programs and experiences.
  • Improve student learning by providing more opportunities for professional development for staff and parents and by annually assessing our progress.

Forgiveness is the first step, but it is not a sufficient step. What we aspire to in Manarat Al-Salem Schools is to instill in the hearts of students empathy with each other, and for their relationship with their colleagues to be characterized by respect, as is the case with their relationships and dealings with their teachers, families, and society as a whole.

We do not want students to view education in Manarat Al-Salem schools as a mere means for their success in the future. Rather, we aspire to promote students’ sincere, real, and lasting love for learning and the endeavors and ambition it entails to acquire knowledge in and of itself.

The student code of conduct is shown below and underpins a range of different systems in the school.

The Student Code of Conduct indicates expectations of behaviour. Students are expected to:

Contribute to a well-ordered learning environment by

  • Working to the best of their ability in lessons and on homework tasks and ensuring that all work is submitted punctually
  • Being properly equipped for school

Show respect for others by

  • Being polite and courteous to each other and refraining from bullying, fighting and name-calling
  • Being polite, courteous and honest with staff and listening to and carrying out instructions

Act in a responsible manner by

  • Doing nothing to endanger a healthy, safe and secure environment
  • Ensuring forbidden items are not brought to school

Keeping the school buildings and grounds clean and tidy, moving about in a quiet and orderly manner, avoiding areas which are deemed out of bounds and conducting fire drills in silence.

Ensure the best possible attendance and punctuality.

Promote a positive image of the school by:

  • Taking a pride in their appearance, being smartly and correctly dressed for any school activity and when travelling to and from school.
  • Behaving in a sensible and courteous manner when travelling to and from school.
  • Being polite and courteous to visitors.


We are delighted that you are sending your young genius to develop all their skills in an inquiry-infused, structured, play-based approach.

Languages School

It starts from the first primary stage (G1) until secondary school (G12), where special curricula are taught in the English language.

Arabic School

It starts from the first primary stage (G1) until secondary school (G12), where the national curricula are taught in the Arabic language.

Special Needs School

It serves children with Special Needs, by recognizing students as individual learners with unique needs and learning styles.







The school is a beacon of knowledge and a river of knowledge.

The school receives young children and graduates them as adults who are able to work, give, and face challenges.

Class Capacity
Students Gratduated from MSI Schools
Different Nationalities

More than 200,000 students Join our schools and enjoy our services.

Register now and reserve a seat for your child . . . seats are limited.